Privacy Policy

Last updated 15 March 2024

This policy explains how Heart Resilience: ("we" or "us") collects, uses, and shares your information when you use our mobile app (the "App"). It also explains how we handle your information when you contact our customer support team, interact with us on social media, or otherwise communicate with us.

This policy applies to your use of the App, regardless of whether you have a subscription or account. However, it does not apply to information we collect and use on behalf of business customers (referred to as "Customer Data" in our agreements with those customers).

Updates to this Policy

We may change this policy from time to time. If we make any changes, we will update the "Last Updated" date at the top of this policy. In some cases, we may also provide you with additional notice, such as a notification within the App or an email. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about our information practices.

01.Information Collection

1.1 Details You Share with Us

We collect information from you in various ways when you interact with our website. This includes information you provide when you register for an account, participate in interactive features, fill out forms or surveys, enter contests or promotions, make purchases, contact customer support, or communicate with us through social media. The information we collect may include your name, email address, password (for account holders), and any other details you choose to share, such as moods and reflections, feedback, survey responses, and the content of your messages to us. Some users may also voluntarily share health-related information when providing feedback. We treat all information you provide with care and only use it for the specific purpose it was intended for.

1.2 Additional Data on Your Service Usage

The information we gather helps us improve your experience. When you visit our website and use our services, we may collect some information to help us understand your needs and deliver the best experience possible.

1.2.1 Information on How You Interact with the Services

Our website tracks information about how you use our services to improve your experience. This includes things like the sessions you participate in, the audio files you listen to, the features you interact with, and similar usage data. This helps us understand how people use our website and allows us to make improvements for the future.

1.2.2 Information on Transaction-related Details

Our secure system gathers details about your purchases and returns to ensure a smooth experience. This includes information like product descriptions, pricing, any subscriptions or free trials with their expiration dates, and the specific time and date of the transaction itself.

1.2.3 Information on Logging and Other Recorded Activities

Our website collects information to understand how you interact with it. This includes details like the type of web browser you use, the specific app version you might be on (if applicable), the date and time you accessed the site, which pages you visited, your IP address, and the webpage you were on before coming to our site.

1.2.4 Information on Transaction-related Details

Our website collects information to understand the devices you use to access our services. This includes details like the type of computer or mobile device, its operating system and version, unique identifiers assigned by the device's system, and for mobile users, information about your network connection like network type, carrier, and general region.

1.2.5 Information We Record

In some instances, we may record phone or video calls with your explicit consent. This could occur during coaching sessions as part of our program or when you provide valuable feedback or participate in market research initiatives.

1.2.6 Information We Generate

We may also generate some additional information about you based on what we already know. For instance, we might use your IP address to estimate your general location. We may also analyze your activity on our website to understand how likely you are to keep using our services.

1.2.7 Information Collected through Cookies and Similar Technologies

We use technologies like cookies and web beacons to gather information that helps us improve your experience on our website. These technologies collect things like browsing data, which allows us to understand how users navigate the site.

1.2.8 Information Obtained from Other Sources

In addition to the information you provide directly, we may also collect data from various sources to enhance your experience. This includes app store details, names and contact information from linked calendar services, and potentially some social media account information if you choose to register or log in that way. We may also gather supplementary information from public sources, marketing partners, research platforms, and business databases, all in accordance with relevant regulations and privacy practices.

02.Use of Information

The information we collect helps us to:
  1. Deliver and Improve Our Services : We use your data to provide, maintain, and improve the features and functionality of our website. This includes troubleshooting technical issues, developing new offerings, and ensuring a smooth user experience.
  2. Process Transactions : We utilize your information to process orders, payments, and send related notifications like receipts or account updates.
  3. Communication : We may send you transactional or informational messages related to your account activity, customer service responses, and administrative updates.
  4. Marketing and Promotions : With your consent, we may use your information to keep you informed about our products, services, events, or special offers. We may also use it to personalize your experience on our website or show you targeted advertisements based on your preferences.
  5. Analyze and Protect : We analyze user behavior and trends to understand how our website is used, identify potential issues, and prevent fraudulent activity. This helps us safeguard our platform and ensure a secure environment.
  6. Legal Compliance : We may use your information to comply with legal requirements, such as tax regulations or other legal obligations.
  7. Contests and Promotions : We may use your information to manage contests, sweepstakes, or promotions you participate in, including processing entries and distributing prizes.

You can always contact us at to manage your communication preferences or if you have any questions about how we use your information.

03.Sharing of Information

We take your privacy seriously and only share your information in limited circumstances:
  1. Service Providers : We may share your information with companies that help us run the website, like email providers, payment processors, and security companies.
  2. Legal Requirements : We may disclose your information if required by law, such as for a court order or to prevent illegal activity.
  3. Protecting Our Rights : We may share your information if we believe you've violated our terms of service or harmed the brand name.
  4. Business Transactions : We may share your information if involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets
  5. Affiliated Companies : We may share your information with our subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
  6. Social Media Integration : When you use social media features on our website, your information may be shared with those platforms.
  7. Aggregated Data : We may share non-identifiable information with third parties for research purposes.

We will always be transparent about how your information is shared and will never sell your personal data.

04.Advertising and Analytics Services Offered by Third Parties

We provide third parties permission to display advertisements and provide statistics on our behalf on the internet and in mobile applications. Using cookies, web beacons, device identifiers, and other technologies, these entities gather data about how you use the Services and other websites and online services. This data includes your IP address, device identifiers, web browser, mobile network information, pages viewed, time spent on pages or in apps, links clicked, and conversion information. Your information may be used for data analysis and tracking, popularity tracking, presenting ads and material that is relevant to your interests on our Services and other websites and online services, and gaining a better understanding of your online activities With the help of our cookie choices manager, you can disable advertising cookies.

05.Data Transfer

Heart Resilience processes your data in Sri Lanka, which might have different data privacy regulations compared to your local jurisdiction. This means your information might not be subject to the same level of protection as in your home country.

06.Your Options

6.1 Account Details

6.1.1 Accessing and Updating Your Information

We offer you control over certain information associated with your account. You can access and update your information, such as your password, name, and email address, by logging into your account settings on our website.

6.1.2 Account Deactivation

If you wish to deactivate your account, you can contact us through our Help Center at However, please be aware that:

  • We may be required or permitted by law to retain some of your information even after deactivation.
  • We may also maintain cached or archived copies of your information for a limited period of time for legal or business purposes.

6.2 Promotional Communications

We respect your right to control the information you receive from us. You can unsubscribe from our promotional emails by following the "unsubscribe" instructions included in each email. Additionally, you can manage your email preferences within your account settings.

Opting out of promotional emails will not unsubscribe you from receiving important transactional or service-related messages. These may include emails about your account activity, legal notices, or updates to our services.

6.3 Mobile Push Notifications/Alerts

With your consent, we may send promotional and informational notifications to your device through push notification technology. You can opt-out of receiving these notifications at any time by adjusting your browser or device settings.

The specific instructions for disabling push notifications will vary depending on your web browser and operating system. You can typically find these settings within your browser or device's privacy or notification settings.

6.4 Accessing and Deleting Data

We respect your right to access and delete your personal information. This right applies to all our users, regardless of their location, with some exceptions based on applicable laws and regulations.

You can submit a request to access or delete your information by contacting us at

We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe, as defined by applicable laws. Be aware that in some cases, we may be unable to delete all or some of your information due to legal or regulatory requirements.

07.Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at:
