
Call Centre Customer Excellence with NLP techniques.


Do you think the power of the tone can make a person to see or feel about the product or service that you want to sell? Do you think if the call center staff can recognize their needs and change their mind to feel their expectations will help to communicate better with your clients who are inquiring to purchase your services? This two day call center customer excellence program using Neuro Linguistic Programming will transform the minds of the staff to understand the customer as they are present in front of them. Throughout the program call center agents discover that it's truly up to them to make a difference by changing their attitude, thinking patterns and directly responsible for the success of the business.


* By the end of this training course participants will be able to:

* Understand the importance of their role and the responsibility towards the company image

* Creating positive beliefs system when dealing with every customer

* List the attitudes, skills, and knowledge required to be a professional customer care representative

* How to understand the customer needs.

* Explain the basics of customer psychology,rapport building,and adapting their communication styles for positive customer interactions.

* Create stronger connections with customer and enhance their perception